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Everything posted by Madmajor

  1. Don't be shy.... Go on..... Have a try!
  2. I made Mandy open the door to her first experience in a strappy t shirt...pulled down as a micro mini dress. No panties or bra
  3. Worth another showing I think!
  4. ....and the very fact you are not being pushy and want immediate play should encourage them to at least meet.
  5. Love those tiny pink panties!
  6. Lol....don't think you can!
  7. So she likes Bridget Jones knickers..... Still very sexy!
  8. I got Mandy massaged on our bed. Much more erotic when you are later sleeping in it together getting flashback.
  9. So is she up for this...have you shown her this post?
  10. Will you post them on here or have you another site you favour for displaying a hotwife?
  11. Is she ready for a real man?
  12. I guess when a couple is involved it is harder to have all three up for it at the right time. I know women can blow hot and cold over this and her cold feet can stop a meeting. But if you say you are going to meet then you should go. Even if the hubby goes and just explains that she has changed her mind, he can at least buy the bull a drink and apologise fo wasting his time!
  13. Being up front in a relationship is a good start. Search on web.... Try fetlife.com
  14. You have sowed the seed. She can not help to consider this now. You now need to reaffirm how much you love her and are proud of her. Tell her that you are sorry you get turned on by the thought of other men wanting her if it upsets her..... But if you had a nice sports car you would want men to admire and want it. And at least you are being honest and not secretive about your desires. Then tell her maybe your thirst would be quenched if she allowed you to arrange a massage with a guy. The thought of his hands over her beautiful body is a turn on. Get her to allow this and you are a step nearer. Remember..small steps make up an entire journey
  15. How did you get her in to it? Was it a slow process of gentle persuasion or was she up for it from the get go!?
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