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  1. You lost me with your opening statement of taking a woman who BELONGS ( my caps not yours) my wife would and has told others that she belongs only to herself. Yes she has had and will continue to have lovers. I have never been involved so cannot speak to the types of relationships she has. Yes she will inform me if she is going to be out for the evening. Or for several days on vacation. But the identity of her lovers have never been given to me. Yes I have ventured guesses and even pleaded on occasion. But to no avail.
  2. My wife makes it very clear that her time is her time. Wealth reasons make it impossible for me to please her in a traditional manner. I do the best I can with other means but that just doesn't cut it. I have little to no contact with her Bulls. I actually appreciate that. I understand it is her choice and only those times she wishes she shares with me. She will at times save his seed and have me clean her up. Mostly those are times I have upset her and she reminds me of my shortcomings.
  3. The fastest ever was immediately upon getting my thingy completely in. One stroke. My wife just giggled and said. "And that is why!"
  4. It was never something that crossed my mind. My wife slowly introduced me to the idea. First it was cleaning her after her lover had left. Then moved on to cleaning while he was still here. I will admit that the embarrassment of those times certainly showed in my erections. Even as I tried not to let them show. When my wife insisted that I prepare him I was not at all willing to consider sucking anyone's cock. But she has a very effective way of convincing me. From that it evolved into me being called back to clean them both before I am again dismissed. My wife tells me that she loves to watch the effect it has on me when I go down on him.
  5. For me it is knowing she is getting ready to go and get fucked. The tension, torment, and humiliation is nearly unbearable. Second is when she just goes and has her time then comes back and tells me or brings him home and banishes me to the guest room. My wife does not want me to be in the same room. She thinks it takes away her pleasure. I am actually happy about that. Hearing is bad enough seeing I don't know if I could handle.
  6. My wife prefers I not be in the room when she has a Bull over. She does not feel that it is proper for me to expect him or her to entertain me. If she has him over I am always banished to the "little boy bedroom" it is adjacent so I can hear and my mind goes crazy. The only accept ion to this rule is if she decides she will no longer see him. Then I am invited to watch. While she has never told me outright this is the case it has happened three times so far and I just assume that is why I watch.
  7. Done
  8. My wife left an hour ago. She is spending the weekend with her boyfriend. I drove her to his house so they could leave sooner. She did not tell me where they were going. Only that she would call me to pick her up on Sunday evening.
  9. Yes I do. I can't explain why but all she has to do is point to the room and I get excited. And the times she shows her friend the room and tells him I did the decore myself the giggles and laughs just add to my excitement
  10. I have come home when she has been entertaining. She has always had the door yo our bedroom locked. She doesn't mind me knowing but she draws the line at me watching. She doesn't want to feel that she or her partner should be performing for anyone but their own pleasure. Even those times she brings someone home I am allowed to say hello but never watch. And if I masturbate it is always to be in our daughters old bedroom.
  11. Well my wife is in the DOminican for a vacation. I have one text from her basically saying she knows I wish I was there but she is happy I'm not. And yes as jealous as I am I am also so very turned on.
  12. I was besides myself. Part of me wanted to die, part of me wanted to know why, and part of me wanted to know every detail. While it's been months I am still torn. I think I am what would be considered a reluctant cuck. I know she is doing it. I know she won't stop. And I know I'm not ever going to leave her. I don't want to watch and she has never asked or suggested it. But she now tells me when she is going out. I know that every Thursday is her night out. And Saturday is her date night. If she has other plans I am informed sometimes a week in advance sometimes literally hours.
  13. I have no idea of how many before me. I have found out she was doing two other guys at the time we were engaged and supposedly right up to our wedding. I know that she now has two that she sees on o regular basis. I know that because she started bringing them home a few months ago. She also goes "out with the girls " every Thursday night. She and one of her boyfriends are in Las Vergas this weekend.
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