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  1. One of the most pervasive lies our society feeds us is that you must remove your pubic hair. According to this study, 84 percent of American women over the age of 18 either shave, wax, pluck or otherwise remove their pubic hair. We all know people who remove their hair, and some of us may even know people who have cut themselves and got an infection or a gnarly ingrown hair from it. Another study found that two percent of people who remove their pubic hair have severely injured themselves and ended up in the hospital. This doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you are part of that two percent, you might feel differently. Removing your hair can be harmful and anyone who claims that being hairless is more hygienic is a liar.  

        These falsehoods start spreading at the most unlikely sources, such as a book I have sitting on a shelf back home: “Is this normal?” by American Girl. This book is aimed at pubescent girls and, as a mother finds, it tells girls that they should shave their pubic hair if it is visible sticks outside of their swimsuit. Though American Girl is not alone in perpetuating this unfair standard, every single female-presenting person I see in almost any form of media is perfectly hairless. From a young age, people see hairless women on the covers of magazines, in movies and on TV shows. Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret do nothing to dissuade the harmful notions, that’s for sure. 

        What’s the point of hair? Humans evolved to have less, what’s the matter with removing the rest? Humans have hair on our heads in part because it is attractive. Humans evolved to keep their pubic hair because it was attractive as well. It is a sign that you have matured. If your partner prefers you hairless, start a conversation about why. You should be able to be in your natural state if you prefer it that way. If you prefer removing your hair, it is your choice, but try going without removing it for a month and see if you still prefer it. Continuing the hairless ideals is hurtful to future generations. 

       I’m certain we all remember the Cardi B song “WAP.” Some of us might also remember Ben Shapiro claiming that anyone who experienced vaginal secretions upon arousal was suffering from a medical condition. The fact that so many people blindly supported that idea is truly indicative of the lack of sex education in America. Only 13 states require medically accurate sex education. Almost every single vagina-having person on this Earth experiences discharge daily, and it is healthy; yet, people still believe Shapiro. Though vaginal discharge is different from the arousal fluid that Cardi B was rapping about, the point stands. Because of my lack of sex education, when I was first experiencing discharge, I truly thought I was dying because I had no idea it was normal. As I got older, I stopped blaming myself for my bout of ignorance regarding the vagina, because no one was talking about it. Because no one is talking about it, some people feel like they have to wear a liner every single day to hide/hinder their discharge, but this can cause serious problems if your vagina doesn’t have a chance to breathe. If you were worried about drips, would you constantly have a tissue stuffed up your nose? Would you maybe do that if society villainized drippy noses? 

        When it comes to arousal fluids, I have heard people without vaginas comment on how bad vaginal fluid tastes, smells, etc. The most startling comment I heard was about how they could smell a girl’s fishy vagina just by sitting next to her. That’s simply not true. I have a good sense of smell. I am exceptionally sensitive to strange smells. I have spent most of my time on this planet surrounded by people with vaginas. Never once have I smelled anyone’s vagina unintentionally.

        Women are pressured to alter every part of their vaginas and pubic area. There are even medical procedures to change the look of the labia. 12,000 of these procedures were performed in 2016. When will our society stop telling people with vulvas that everything is wrong with them? 

       Without vaginas, not a single one of us would be here. So, I simply won’t stand around and let people ignore them, let alone call them gross. Ask me about my vagina and, hopefully, we can talk about yours too. We can all talk positively about vaginas and together we can reduce the stigma surrounding vaginas.


  2. This is a fictional Story and does not reflect anyone in real life. If it does then it's mere coincidence. I’m writing this today because I need to let someone know, I am a teacher at a Community College. The point of this story is to write about how I became my pupil’s submissive. This has been happening for a month. My name is Shae and I have a fiancé, that fortunately does not know anything that’s happening. For better or for worse. It all started about a year ago, there was this group of foreign students that misbehaved and joked in class so they would always get in trouble, one in particular who was leader of their pack. I won’t be using any names, just initials. S, was the leader and most rebellious of them all, then there were two A’s, AB was the follow up to S and a lot better behaved. Meanwhile AD was a lot quieter but was the mountain of the group, a big guy, not fat just muscular. I should probably describe myself as well, I am 24 years old, 5’4” tall with a thick body, big bust and bottom but fairly skinny. I have an evening detention class for students that get in trouble. S happened to be the only one in one of those classes and while we were in it, he was texting and laughing instead of working on the assignments I had given him. I was fed up with it and called him out, he looked dead straight at me, making me uncomfortable. He put his phone away, stood up and walked towards me, asking me why we didn’t have some fun. I asked him what he meant by fun and he smirked. He said he admired my body as he walked behind my chair and placing his hands on my shoulders. I was wearing a shoulder less low cut shirt that showed cleavage and a small skirt at the time so he said the view from where he was standing was great, and that he wanted to get a feel off the girls. I was frozen, I had no idea on what to do as he reached down and pulled them out, groping them, caressing them, making me release a moan as he pinched my nipples. “Are you enjoying this Mrs. Shae?” he asked, sarcastically as he started to kiss my neck. “Because I sure am” slapping my left tit. I asked him to stop, that he couldn’t be doing this, specially not in school grounds. He said I was right, about the school grounds part but that he was horny and ready for me so he stood me up, took my skirt down and kissed and played with my ass as he bent me on the desk. I was receiving so much pleasure of off this because I liked him and sometimes fantasized about it, but never wanted it to be more than a fantasy. He took his phone out and started snapping pictures of me, naked and bent over the desk. “I made this bitch dripping wet, didn’t I Mrs. Shae?” he asked as he fingered me, I released a whimper “Yes you have”, “You’re my bitch now, right bitch?” he said, laughing, “Yes, I am your bitch” I said, moaning as he teased the tip of his cock on my pussy. After I agreed, he penetrated me suddenly and pulled me up by my hair and whispered to my ear “Good, because I’m going to have a lot of fun with you” he said, as he caressed my neck and pinched my nipple. The pleasure had overtaken me, I just felt how my hips and my ass jumped back to his dick. I don’t know how big he was but he was definitely bigger than my boyfriend. “You like this dick, don’t you Bitch?” he exclaimed, slapping my tit again, “Yes, I love it”. I was lost in my senses, never had I felt like this before. He slammed me into the desk and started pounding me hard from the back, making me start gasping for air. I loved the way his big cock felt inside of me, how I couldn’t take all of it but he still pushed deeper, and being taken by someone and being turned into their bitch. It felt so right, I had given myself to him and he was taking all. He stopped fucking me then flipped me then I saw the monster he was packing, he was uncut, a foot long at least and as thick as my forearm. He started penetrating me and I just kept taking it, clawing his back as he kissed me, as he tongued my mouth. I was on the edge of orgasming and he knew it, I could feel he was about to bust as well because his cock had started to throb. He kept going hard, slapping my tits and I couldn’t hold it any longer so I squirted all over him, convulsing heavily as he also came inside of me. I was loving the moment, I was in the moment and I didn’t want it to end. We cleaned each other and dressed again then he took my tits out, pulled my head back by my hair and said “I hope you know I’m not going to stop using you, youre my bitch now, I own you”. I couldn’t believe what was happening, he got me aroused again just by that then he told me to come with him because we weren’t done. I followed him into his car then we got to his house. We went to the basement and to my surprise, his friends were there. They had gotten up then S took my tits out again, told them to have fun with me and they started groping my tits, kissing me, feeling my ass. All I could do was take their cocks in my mouth, I couldn’t stop until I heard a shout. I turned around and saw S’s father. I froze, naked as I held their cocks, he asked me what the fuck I was doing with his son and his friends. I was paralyzed, I had no idea of what was occurring. I told him I was forced to by his son but he lied, he said that I wanted the sexual relationship with them and accuse them of r******** if they didn’t comply. He came up to me as I was on my knees and slapped me across the face before he dragged me away from them. He was pulling me by my hair and I couldn’t escape. I saw the door to his house but we weren’t directed then. I heard his friends talking and leaving as I was dragged away to S’s father bedroom. He lifted me up, slapped my tit and asked me if this was what whores did, mess with young students. He then told me he was going to teach me a lesson as he threw me to then started taking his belt off. He was a big man, fat and sweaty. He reeked of curry and was hairy. I was scared of what he was going to, I couldn’t escape, he was blocking the door and he had locked it previously. He took his belt off and commanded me to get in all fours as he whipped my back. I did out of pain, he had whipped me hard and left a mark. He felt my ass with his hand and rubbed my pussy with the tip of his fingers before pulling his hand back and whipping my ass. I let out a scream and he told me to shut up, I told him I was sorry, that I didn’t mean for anything to happen, that it wasn’t me and I was forced by his son. He told me that besides being a whore I was a liar before whipping me again, harder this time. I tried holding back my screams but it hurt so bad that I let out, which provoked him to do a harder one. My ass was all red and to the point of bleeding from another whip. I was crying, had tears rolling down my eyes thinking about how my life has been ruined. He took his pants off and pulled his cock out, it was below average and really hairy. He slapped my face calling me a crying lying whore before wiping my tears with his cock and shoving it inside my mouth. He said he had never had a whore and that he wished someday he would experience one, but that his current experience with a white whore was like being in heaven. He had locked my hair in his hand as he pushed my face farther in, his pubes all over my face and some of his hair in my mouth as I choked. Before I was hoping it never ended, now I was wishing it had never happened. He flipped me over and made me suck his balls as he placed them above my head, then started playing with my tits, slapping each and squeezing hard on them. He kept pinching my nipples hard until they squeezed a little milk, he then licked it and told me it tasted great. After he was done playing with my tits, he decided to use his belt again, this time to whip my pussy with it, he did it lightly and I whimpered, which turned him on even more and told me to kiss and lick his ass, and the more I did it, the harder he whipped it. He then started rubbing it out, placing two fingers between my lips to try and spread them. He never fingered me, just rubbed it out but teased me making me think he was going to. My neck was hurting by then because he was basically sitting on my head so the pressure almost snapped my neck until he got off and slapped my face, telling me I did a good job as a whore. He strapped his belt to my throat and did it really tight so he could have a longer length to use as a leash. Told me to get in all fours again and slapped my ass with his hand while he pulled my head back with the other. He teased my pussy the tip of his cock, I was dripping wet and loved how he teased me, he tugged my head back as he did it, telling me to beg for his cock like a whore does. I asked him to put it inside me, that I wanted to be used like a whore until he came. And he did, pulled me back with the belt as he thrusted inside me, making me splash over the bed. He kept pounding me hard while choking me and it felt so good, my ass bouncing on his dick as he calling me a dirty whore. I loved every ass slap he gave me, I couldn’t get enough so I came on him and started shaking and fell on the bed. He slapped my ass and pulled me up with his belt then told me to clean all my juices off his cock. I gripped it hard, and licked his balls, looking up to him as I was bent over the table, my ass in the air. I went up his cock, going slow, trying to lick all of it before I got to the head and swallowed it as if it was a strawberry. Then went down all the way, having his wet sweaty pubes on my face and I didn’t mind. He told me that was enough and made me ride him, I got above his dick, spread my pussy lips open and slid down all the way down his cock, moaning the whole time. I shook my hips on top of him, rock back and forth. As he slapped my tits and squeezed them. I bent forward and started riding his cock, jumping up and down like the whore he told me I was, I loved his slaps on me, enjoying myself until he came inside of me as he sucked on my tit. I sucked him off to clean him off and I thought everything would be ok but he called the police on me as I was getting dressed, saying I abused his son and his friends in sexual manners. I couldn’t believe he did that after the way he used me and no one believed me when I told them about what he had done with me. They apprehended me and took me to jail.
  3. Hello guys, Thank you for your comments, Im glad you all liked the story. Here is the link for the follow up: http://cuckoldfart.com/topic/3101-becoming-the-beta-man-the-evidence-ch02/?p=32603 Enjoy!
  4. Part One: http://cuckoldfart.com/topic/2692-becoming-the-beta-man-the-start-ch01/ Sorry for the hold up, with school and family matters, I've only been able to complete it till now. Enjoy! ========================================================================== I just told her if she had noticed, and she told me that in all honesty she had, and that it scares her and laughed. I felt a little down, knowing my wife was checking someone else out but she noticed so she started to jerk me and said I was good and she liked mine. I came in less than a minute due to me thinking of her doing that to Tyrone. She got upset because I didn’t last long so she went to sleep, I felt sick the entire night. The next while at the office, my boss district came to visit and check our operations and found Tyrone working hard. He asked me about Tyrone and if I saw potential in him and I told him he was a hard worker and I could see him moving higher. He told me that he was going to get a raise to Assistant Manager. We brought him and told him about it, he was really happy about the news and we decided to send him home early. I had to get out late, all the paper work for Tyrone’s promotion kept me up late but it was time to go home. When I got back home, I found Tyrone and a couple of his friends in the living room, where my wife was sitting all @@@@@@@ in skimpy night wear with her hair messy. I asked if there was a party happening and one of his friends said there was a great party hosted by my missus. She blushed while everyone laughed and Tyrone got up and told me he had some friends over to celebrate his promotion. I told him it was fine but they’d have to leave in an hour. I went to my room and my wife followed with an orchestra of wolf whistles. I got to my room and started getting undressed and my wife asked me how my day was. I told her it was long as tiring and seeing her dressed like that around his friends didn’t please me. That she should cover herself more, especially around strangers. She sighed and told me she felt comfortable with her body and enjoyed showing it off, and that Tyrone’s friends were really nice about it. I got mad and got into bed while she stormed back into the living room while one of his friends exclaimed welcome back gorgeous. As she was leaving, I looked her way and noticed some white drops on the floor. I headed to that direction and felt and it was sticky and warm, it was cum. I was in shocked but just thought she might had been aroused, I tried shrugging it off but all I could think about was Tyrone and his friends did with my beautiful wife. How they all took turns with her and she enjoyed it. How she was begging for more, getting tag teamed. I got mad and took sleeping pills because I couldn’t stand those thoughts. The next day my wife had to go out and while at work I called a security camera service and asked for them to plant and hide cameras all around my house, the living room, the kitchen, the bedrooms, etc. They were able to do it in a couple of hours so there wasn’t any stress. They were up and running and I was able to livestream it all the way to work. This way I would know if it was real or just my imagination. The next day I called Tyrone to my office and let him know that he could leave early and that I’d take over his work, he thanked me but he flirted with the assistant for a while, she was blushing and opening her blouse a little more as she was smiling and laughing. He then left to go back home and that’s when I started the monitoring software and turned everything on and ready. I saw my wife getting a call and her reacting so well to it. I had to turn the volume up a little more because the cameras were far away but I heard that Tyrone had called and she was happy for him coming early before hanging up and running off to our closet where she got herself into another skimpy bikini I had never seen before. She went back to the kitchen, bent over and got a tray, but as she was doing it, one of her breasts fell out of the bra. She got up and fixed and got some beer for the tray, there were around 5-7 beers and she was just sitting in the living room waiting with anticipation when the door bell rang and she opened it with tray in hand. It was Tyrone and 3 of his friends. They then came in and start handling my wife as they all took a beer, surrounding themselves around her. I saw how they grabbed her body and smacked her ass, they went to the living room with her and place her in the middle as she started getting on her knees and getting their cocks out, I started to feel mine grow in anticipation but I was also ashamed. My wife started to jerk them, and started to suck each one of them as they play with her breasts and started slapping them, Tyrone then bend her over and started eating her out as they called her a dirty slut wife, how she loved the black cocks as she choked on them. Tyrone got up and placed his hands on her waist and started teasing her with his cock, at the time it was so hard and big I was surprised when the head went in because I didn’t think it’d fit inside of her, I never thought she could take something that big. She kept moaning loud and playing with everyone else, I was in shock, I had no idea of what was happening that I didn’t even realize I was touching myself as I watched my wife getting pounded, guys slapping her face with cock and she never having enough. I had no idea how any of this started and why she became so crazed for cock. Tyrone got off her and a friend sat in a couch and grabbed her, then she got on top of him and started to ride his cock, seeing her beautiful breasts bounce as her ass was being slapped and she started to try and get some dicks in her mouth. I felt sick in my stomach because of how turned I was, how I loved seeing my wife man handled by four black men, having their way with her and she enjoying. She was moaning louder and crying of pleasure, a sight I had never seen in our marriage. Then came another and pushed her slightly forward, spit on his hand and rubbed her asshole before he started to penetrate it. She was speechless for a minute, trying to gasp for air as another guy started to face fuck my wife. They kept taking turns on my wife, fucking all of her holes, it wasn’t until an hour or two later when they all came on her face and tits, then Tyrone kept fucking her harder that she was shaking and squirting until he came inside of her. The sight was grotesque, I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing, how can my beautiful wife turn into a slut like that? Drinking all the cum in her face, taking a load inside of her. I came back home, filled with hate, not only at my wife for cheating but at myself for enjoying. All I could think of during the ride is how much she looked like she was enjoying, and she never had too much. I arrived home to find Tyrone and my wife alone, cuddling in the couch, but she sat up as soon as she heard the door. I greeted them off, must have come out bad because she asked me what was wrong but I just told her I had a bad day at work and went to my room. She came after me and asked again while she tried to go in for a kiss but I stopped her and just told her I needed to go to sleep and she left mad. I couldn’t fall asleep and felt her come to bed around 3 am. ========================================================================== Part three is underway, enjoy and till the next one.
  5. Ask her if she wants to be the star of my next story
  6. His what?
  7. Thanks for letting me know
  8. I do not know why the " Me and my wife were wondering what you thought of her would love your comments and messages" link popped in but if a moderator could remove it, or other wise, picture it as Jenny's behind.
  9. The Start, Chapter 1: I awoke late in the morning from sounds coming from the living room, it sounded like heavy breathing and I felt that, my wife wasn’t in my bed. It has been happening since I let my hireling stay with us since he had no roof. I got up, and opened my door to look into the hallway, where my wife was pinned on the wall, embracing and wrapping her legs on him, while she kept moaning his name and inserting her nails on his back which made him go harder. I could see he was flexing his muscles to the max, they were so defined and big, and his biceps looked like the size of my head. He was motor boating my wife’s precious and grand breasts, enjoying the feel of those perky and smooth breasts. I felt my lower part getting stiff, but even at its hardest, it didn’t compare to the monster he was packing. He kept penetrating her, but there would still be 3-4 inches left because her body could only take so much of his dick. I closed the door and went back to bed to try and get some sleep which unfortunately I couldn’t, I kept hearing yell and moan louder, the dirtiest talk I had ever heard. It all happened months ago, I needed to hire new personnel for my company, which worked in constructions and manual labor. I was going thru the files, usually filled low scum who were drug addicts and usually looked weak for a position like this until I saw his profile. Tyrone Hendrix, fresh out of jail, 300 pounds of pure muscle, at 6’7” was a total mountain. Said he had been charged with the murder and drug dealing but was able to go back to normal after 15 years in prison. At the time of his release, he was 25, god knows when he went in. I interviewed him, and when he came into my office, he barely fit thru the door, even worse when it came to sitting down. I asked him straight away about his condition and if he would go back to his previous life. He had told me that he had seen the mistakes he had done, but couldn’t go back and change his past, but could change his present, which inspired me to hire him. He was able to carry tons of steel easily without breaking a sweat, as he casted a gigantic shadow on me. He was well behaved, but a little flirty when he saw women in nice dresses. My secretary had informed that he slapped her ass once, while she didn’t know he was there. I told her not to care much about, he must have done it jokingly. Few weeks after I hired him, I needed to go back to the office for some papers, when I saw him sleeping on the floor, I asked him what he was doing and he had told me that he had no roof and wanted to stay in the office to sleep, asked me not to get angry but I asked him to come with me and have a few drinks. We went to the bar and he told me how his mother had died and wasn’t able to leave him anything, and he had no place to go since no one wanted an ex con. After a few drinks and laughs, I asked him if he wanted to stay with us. We live in big house, almost like a mansion, with a pool, sauna and a Jacuzzi. He agreed and was thankful for me offering it to him. When we got home, my wife was in her nightgown, which was made of silk that resembled her skin. The moment he walked in, he whistled so loud, I thought he was going to shatter the glass table. He went over to my wife, grabbed her by her waist and kissed her lips. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal. I told my wife Jenny, that he would be staying with us for a few weeks. Asked her if she could take him to the guest room. He told me I was too lucky to own a damn hotel, but even luckier to have such a fine woman as a wife. As they were walking to his room, I caught a glimpse of him slapping the firm ass of my wife, making wolf sounds. After she showed him the room, I could see her nipples trying to burst from the nightgown. She asked me who he was, and why I’d let him stay with us. I told her about his situation, and his past and she got mad at me but asked her not to make a scene, we then went to sleep. Next morning, I woke up, but I didn’t see her which was weird, so I got up and saw him sitting there shirtless on the couch, and when I asked where my wife was, she sprung up from in from of him, where another couch was. She looked pale but also aroused, and her voice was shaking. Tyrone then got up and asked me if we were going to work. His shorts were so tight you could see the outline of his tool, even the veins were visible, and his head was almost poking out too. I asked him to get ready, and asked my wife if she could make us some coffee, while she was adjusting her nightgown. I asked her what was going on, but she just told me that they were talking and getting to know each other. On the ride to work, Tyrone was talking about how fine of a woman I had, with those perky silver white breasts, with fat small pink mountains of nipples. But that her ass was his main attraction, those thing would not stop bouncing every time she walked. I told him to stop, that it was my wife he was talking about and that he should be more respectful. All he told me was to be careful of not losing her with a smirk. We got to work, and it was raining, I was in my office, warm and clean, while Tyrone was outside in the cold and dirty. He was flexing his muscles carrying the equipment and working on the buildings that I started fantasizing of him with my wife, but he could just absorb her entirely like a germ. We finished working and went home. He entered first and slammed the door back that I almost crashed into it, while I caught a glimpse of him grabbing Jenny’s butt. He went and sat in the couch with his legs spread open and one feet on the coffee table. It was weird to me because Jenny wouldn’t even let me enter the house with my shoes dirty, let enough my whole body. He yelled from the living room if I could bring him a beer, while he was sitting there and Jenny cuddled up beside him asking him about his day, like she didn’t know I came home too. I greeted her, and she just replied back with hey John, and continued talking to Tyrone, amazed at the stories of how he carried a lot of steel and wood. I couldn’t tolerate what I was seeing, so I went to my room and changed. We had dinner then he went to take a shower. I told Jenny when we were in private that it was a good thing he was showering, he was smelling dirty. And she said that he smelled good, while she was staring at his room. I went to my room to lay down and read something, but before I left I tried to grab her butt but she stopped me and told me she wasn’t in the mood. I was laying down in my bed when Tyrone yelled that he needed a towel, I was getting up but Jenny said she got him since the kitchen was closer to his room, which had a closet with all the towels and bathroom equipment. It had been 5 minutes since she first went in, but I never heard her leave so I got up and asked her what was taking her so long, and as soon as I opened the door, she got up from her knees, cleaned her mouth and said that she was looking for a towel while Tyrone was telling me that I need not to get worried, nothing had happened and that he had his underwear behind the towel he was putting. His chest was so big and defined. All the veins made it seem like he had the Great Canyon in his chest. His pecs were literally 5 inches up from his body. His abs, his 8 pack were looking like normal pecs. I left the room and wished him good night and Jenny came with me. While we were in our room, I asked her what she thought about him, she said and I quote “A total body building perfection, like he came straight out of a magazine or he was photoshopped”, I asked her if she caught a glimpse of his tool, and she giggled and blushed, and asked me what kind of woman I thought she was. ============================================================================================== This is my first time posting a story, I've written a few but never posted them. Please, I encourage you to tell me what was good, and what I need to improve on, and if you want to hear more Tyrone and Jenny blooming relationship. Until then have a good one.
  10. Great Story
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