Me too. While I am too old to get it up, I would like to watch her get fucked by a black man. I would like to eat her clean after he comes in her. You can do is buy her some split cunt pantries, and insist on her wearing them when you go anywhere. And tell her that makes it easier for a man to get it in her. Then tell her ' Honey, you are sexy, and I love seeing you with a man. That's a fact girl. From now on, as long as a man is using the least force needed, in other words, after pussey, not pain, their is no way I am going to do anything to help you resist him taking you. Or just to lay down the law, if you don't go to dateing other men, I am going to sit you up to get raped. So just accept the fact that you are going to have sex with other men and i am going to watch you fuck.' Then the next time you're out together, draw her attention to some man, and ask her " if she would like to have him? By the third or fourth time you do that, she will just say ' OK if you insist on me fucking, then I will fuck. '