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Ok guys

There are plenty of ways an experienced wife can display that she is up for approach. The "HW" anklet, the Ace of Spades etc

But what about the guy who actively seeks and hopes his wife is seduced. How can he subtly mark her so that potential Bulls will know she is fair game. By seeing this... They will immediately know there is no problem with the husband...he wants her seduced. She may not be aware, but he has managed to persuade her to wear this item.

So I am looking for ideas for:

Please try and seduce my Wife (anklet)

Maybe it could be a green anklet.... Giving potential Bulls the green light to chat her up.

It is subtle..... Some wives might be in the know, others might be blissfully uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....

But the potential cuckold and the potential bull will know what each other wants. The cuckold wants help in turning his wife into a hotwife. The bull wants her pussy (and now knows he will have no problemo from hubby)

Of course Bulls seeing this will have to be polite friendly and subtle (as well as charming, pleasant etc)

But they can subtly check with the hubby if he knows what the anklet (or other item) means. It is a way of finding a helpful source of information with a common goal.... To have the wife penetrated! I would guess 80% of wannabes wives are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of the lengths their hubbies will go to to get them laid by another man!

Come on Bulls and cucks a like....post your ideas. Then we will vote, once we agree we will make this go viral and start our wives unwittingly using it. Let's get them advertising their husbands desires!

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Cuckold Tests




I think green color is not a good idea.  Green does not go with everything.  You want something she will always wear, so standard metalic jewlery colors (silver/gold) are best.


Having said that I am still at a loss as to what sort of charm one might use.


As an saide the Ace of Spaces does not necessaraly mean the woman is a hot wife.  It typically means the woman wants a black lover.  Women who are not attached even use that symbol to troll for black dick.





Don't forget we are just marking our women so others will try to chat them up. Not manufacturing them (so we need something that is already available). As our circle of interest in wife sharing does not reach every one then there will be no issue. I can not imagine the trademark owners of playboy taking a couple to court over the wife wearing a playboy bunny anklet..... What would they sue for.... That someone actually bought their product and then had the audacity to wear it in public.

But I am liking the idea of an A on the anklet for adulteress!


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How about a gold anklet with the letters CH (Cuckold Hubby) and a key to show the door is open for her or the husband is a chastity cuckold

Great for the wife who actively wants to play along. But we need something that the wannabes can give their wife, so unsuspecting lay she gets hit on by Bulls when she is out. Whether it's hubby or not!

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Surely the existing H W anklet on the right ankle is sufficient, trying to come up with another idea simply muddies the pond in my view.  My Wife wears Her anklet on Her right leg which symbolises being "available", it has the H and W on it as charms which is pretty obviously Hot Wife to anybody looking and in the know about such things AND in my case She also has a padlock and key charm that shows She has me in chastity.  She also wears the key to Her chastity device (obviously not an "ordinary" key) around Her neck.  If somebody can't put all that together then they're not interested or looking !!





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HW is only ok for compliant hot wife....this is secret code for wannabe cucks to tell other men you want them to try it on with your wife.

She has no idea. So yes there is a need.....no muddy water..... It means give it a go!


lets keep this simple,  the anklet with the heart at the top and the key at the bottom, should suffice.


Now the important point is to make sure you wife doesnt understand what this means.  


You can tell her its the key to your heart (which is totally true).


Her take away is that its a term of endearment, its sentimental, and it show you care.  


Charms are in fashion right now, So it should be a hit.

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When we go out i often wear an ankle chain bearing the wordspost-15184-0-27910400-1435231137_thumb.jpg i love cock. But in realality who looks at the ankles in a crowded place and unless you are sitting crossed legged on a stool not many people notice.

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Hardly anyone knows what an anklet is supposed to mean - and even those who know cannot agree on whiuch ankle means what so there is a major issue here. Whatever symbol is chosen we have to get it widely known so guys will hit on her but kept secret so the uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu wife will be happy to wear it. Mmmmmmmm????


It is a nice idea but hard to achieve in practice. I found best bet is to look out for guys taking an interest and just quietly let them know it is OK. Not foolproof but what is?

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You will find mostly when we are out on the prowl, although I may wear the anklet as I said in a previous post mostly it is not seen by others. You can always get people interested just by the way you dress, ensuring that their eyes are on you. When you notice that you have their attention, just by giving them the extra look a few times, and while doing so adjusting one's clothes or flicking of the hair as they look on is normally a good sign.


The other more blatant approach is always to get your husband to go over and say to him or them would he/they like to join us for a drink, which is in most cases an invite for something a little extra afterwards.


So unless guys were aware of a woman wearing a particular anklet or necklace, you could be sitting in a bar wanting some fun but guys don't take the bait because there is no real code.


Eye contact is important as is the dress code, which can certainly give the impression that if dressed in a particular way indicates that you are available.

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The new thing among swingers and a hotwife certainly is a swinger is to wear a solid black ring on the right hand ring finger. I think a ankle bracelet with multiple symbols for the males sex and a singular female symbol is very sexy " MMMFMMM.

And of course body language, dressing slutty it all works!

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A little off the subject but you can also have a bracelet the cuck wears so when he is out alone a Bull will know someone in the lifestyle.  If he wanted to the Bull could approach the cuck and things can take off from there.

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I want to give Captain Black a lot of credit for his comments on this and many other posts. He frequently mentions the importance of "talking up" or getting to know a woman before he makes any moves. He mentioned on another thread about anklets that when he sees a woman wearing one he uses it as a cue to "talk her up". He doesn't automatically assume the anklet means that she wants to get laid immediately. My wife has an anklet, but last weekend we went out to listen to a band at a local club. She did not wear the anklet that night, but managed to get "talked up" anyway by a tall, dark titan. Without going into every last detail he managed to talk and then dance much of the evening with my wife as I chatted with friends. As the evening progressed I would occassionally glance at her having a good time on the dance floor and noticed her making more and more I contact with her partner. A little after eleven I noticed that they were no longer on the dance floor and, as I looked around I didn't see a sign of them anywhere. I got up and went toward the rest rooms but still no sign. I tried her cell phone but got no answer. About 12:30 the two of them worked through the crowd and started dancing together again apparently thinking that I hadn't noticed anything. As my wife and I were driving home my wife admitted after my intense questioning that she was flattered to have such a good looking young guy show her so much attention. She said his touch made her tingle on the dance floor. When we got home and ready for bed my wife wasn't wearing any panties. She said that they were all wet and full of his cum and so she left them in then back floor of his car. This all started because I wasn't showing my wife enough attention and the good looking dark dancer was only too willing to "talk my wife up" Captain Black you know what you are doing.

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