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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Nj-cuckold

  1. We are seeking a long-term lover for my wife, Vivian. Vivian is 48 years old, a highly educated, bright, funny, intelligent woman, blonde, 5' 6",185p, BBW full-figured (and slightly self-conscious about her weight), very beautiful and put together. For this to work, she has to really like you. Intelligence and a sense of humor and "well hung" are prerequisites, and good chemistry is important. Ideally, I'd like to join you or just watch. This is all about her, so I'm fine knowing she's safe and in good hands and enjoying the attention of a passionate man whom she likes. YOU can be any , race, religion. What matters are intelligence, a sense of humor, courtesy, no drugs or smoking, disease free, between the age of 30-45 and either single or doing this with your wife's express permission (we are not interested in helping a man cheat on his wife, and we will not participate if you are). Evenings/overnight are best for us. Most important, you should be seeking a long-term relationship with a smart, warm and loving woman. If you are interested in learning more, please email ME and I will answer any questions you have. I am VERY picky about whom I even suggest my wife corresponds with, so please let me know why you think I should share my wife with you! A face picture (no naked picture) would be helpful, but is not required. our email is [email protected]
  2. Me too like to know you size. We are from Jersey Shore. Wife need minimum 8".
  3. I love it Even though I don't get much sex lately. She says she can't feel me anymore.
  4. We are married over 25 years and she start cuckold me little over a year. She love it and the only regret she have, she didn't start sooner.
  5. my wife has Multiple Orgasms, she can cum many times a night, she beg them to stop after she comes 7 or 8 time and A minute later, she begs them to fuck her again.
  6. Her lover and is friend fucking her nonstop for hours, she beg tham to stop and when they stop she says to tham, please don't stop don't listen to me.she moan like animal and cum nonstop.
  7. I'm a little less than 5" and my wife used to cum very easy with me, but after she felt her lover Huge cock she can't cum with me anymore.
  8. I'm little less than 5" and My wife use to cum very easy with me but after she got used to her lover huge cock (about 9") she can't feel me anymore. She says, one's you get use to fly first class it's hard to fly economy.
  9. My wife fall in love with her young lover but she never stop loving me.
  10. The only regret we have is, why we didn't start sooner.
  11. KennyG, I like you advice. It took me many years to convince my wife. Till About 2 years ago she got very upset when I used the word "cuckold" now she used it Olmos every day. The first time she agreed to try a new men she did it as a favor for me, now she love it.
  12. As a cuckold I don't have anything to say, she make the decision. She like to have regular lover. A few months ago he introduced her to is friend and now she has 2 lovers.
  13. He is fucking her right now. She moan like animal and cum nonstop. When I fuck her she is very quiet and push me to cum.
  14. To me is watching my wife blooming and walking with a smile all day long. Happy wife happy life.
  15. I do not worry, my wife loves me very much. We have been married for over 25 years. She just loves him too.
  16. she use to let me watch with her old lover. she is in love With her current lover and don't want me in the room.
  17. She does not want me in the room but I can hear from the other room.
  18. wife: Friday is tomorrow, right? me: yes baby. me: and i wish i can do to you what he do but i know it's Impossible. wife: Sadly, you're right. You can't give me what he gives me. wife: And I can't wait for tomorrow night. Make sure we have some brownies in freezer and a bottle of wine. me: yes baby i will wife: Thank you my little cuckold. me: it's not only small it's not as hard as use to be. i understand why you don't want me to fuck you. wife: I'm happy to see that you understand.
  19. She is hot
  20. Thats what happened to my wife. After her first time she felt a big cock she can't feel me anymore. She says one's you get use to fly first class it's hard to fly economy.
  21. My wife is 46 and her lover is 30 year old. I'm 54 and she said I never will able to do to her what he is doing to her. He can cum 5 time a night.
  22. She looks hot. I don't think my wife will stop going to her lover. She love jewelry but she love even more good sex.
  23. Yes you right. A year ago when I use the word cuckold she got very upset and now she use it every day.
  24. I love you in a very deep way. We are forever connected in a million ways. You're mine and I'm yours. I just need one thing that you can't give me.
  25. Yes I know. When she make love to her lover she moan like animal and when I make love to her she is looking at the clock.
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