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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by captainblack

  1. Sounds like you had a good time. Wonder if she is still fucking her sister's husband?
  2. Hmmmmm I have read this story someplace else before.
  3. If he has self image issues perhaps a trip to the shrink is in order?
  4. I know some hot wives on this site have children by their bulls. I am curious if the children have any interaction with their biological fathers and if so what they call their bio-dads? I think we have at least one couple on here that has mixed race kids when both the husband and wife are white, so surely those kids know someone other than the husband is their father, if they are old enough that is.
  5. Well like I said she is looking for a cuckold BF who she will eventually marry. I am helping her because I have been at this much longer than her, and the cuck has to get along with me. She had a BF she was cucking when she met me, and I became her Long Term Bull as she found her time with me better than with others she had been with.
  6. I think we need a thermometer to answer your question. The photo provides no evidence.
  7. Paradox that is exactly the way it was with pretty much every hotwife I have ever had. Like I mentioned only one wanted the husband to watch. They met me for coffee at one point, then about 4 months later he asked if I could stop by their house that evening. I did. He told me to just walk in the front door when I got there, and to do as I wished with her. When I arrived he was in an easy chair in the living room and she was naked and still damp from the shower sitting on a towel on the couch. I just walked over to her and started right in without saying a word. Eventually we retired to the bedroom and he followed, sat in the corner and watched. That was one out of maybe 8 couples and it was my only not long term. They were a one off. I think they were trying to "check it out". Never heard from them again.
  8. staffans1 your experience sounds like my experiences. My first HW would get a fresh cream pie in the morning before we dressed to meet her husband for brunch.
  9. Peter C I am sorry to hear you and the wife split.
  10. I suspect most of the hotwives I have been with went home and told their husbands all about it. I know some would call or text when leaving and tell their husbands they were on the way.
  11. I am not sure what you are saying here.
  12. Of course it got limited recently. Covid-19 has screwed things up around the world.
  13. Interesting. Most of the wives I have been with would leave hubby home, but then send him texts or call him after we were done. My first hotwife would have her husband take us to brunch the next morning. I actually enjoyed that very much as he and I were friends before he asked me to take his wife as my lover.
  14. How many wives enjoy having their husband watch them having sex with another man? I have only had one wife that wanted her husband to watch.
  15. Why the need to censor what others say?
  16. Happy to knock up most wives. Just contact me.
  17. Most of the hotwives I have had in my life held some level of dominance over their husbands. I can think of only one who did not. She had a need to be dominated and her husband was not into D/s from either end of the spectrum, so with him she was the ordinary loving wife and mother, but with me she was a submissive slut who craved long and hard use by multiple men. Her husband's only participation was to know when she was meeting me and that she was safe with me no matter what adventure happened.
  18. Sounds like you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
  19. Good luck! I have yet to meet anyone in real life from this site. Stood up several times, but no meets.
  20. So is that every cock sucking photo you ever downloaded?
  21. That is one hell of a big photo collection!
  22. Very nice.
  23. Then there is the school of thought for no birth control. That was the situation with one couple I was involved with. She wanted another child. He could not preform, so no BC.
  24. Many women do not want to be watched by their husbands. Of the several hotwives I have had over the years only one wanted her husband to watch, and that was just a one off after I had been talking to them for about a year. I think they were just checking it out. My first hotwife used to like to us to both meet her husband for brunch the morning after she spent the night. She made sure to have a fresh morning load in her before we went to meet him. I expect they played after brunch. Others hotwives have had me speak to their husbands before and after we were done, but the majority I have been with simply told their husband they were going out with their friend and left it at that. If she does not want him to watch then he just needs to get over it. She may be feeling guilty about it, and begging to watch is not going to help. He should work on being close to her, loving and supportive in non-sexual ways, and maybe suggest to her that she let him practice his oral skills on her on a regular basis.
  25. I have never had an Indian wife. These photos make me want one.
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