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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by captainblack

  1. Porn sites do what they think will sell and with the various laws about internet porn these days it is a big and expensive effort start up a porn site. I used to work in that industry, and that work came to an end due to various laws passed in the USA. I forgot mention I had two cuck couples where the man wanted his wife to dominate him, but she was pretty much as submissive as he was, so it became a situation where I dominated them both, with her being my proxy often. In these cases I set up little daily rituals for the two of them that enforced in his mind that the power dynamic was ME -> Her -> him.
  2. I am not black, I am average in size, but a very good lover and very long lasting (I went over 2 hours last weekend with a woman and she eventually begged to finish me with her mouth because her pussy was sore). I have mostly not had the wife with the cuck in the same room, let alone the same building. In my over 20 years being with other men's wives I have had only one man that wanted to watch. I have had one that would drop her off and pick her up after. The pickup was usually the three of us going to brunch together either Saturday or Sunday morning depending on if she spent Friday or Friday and Saturday with me. Those brunches were interesting as he would finger her at the table to see how much of a load she had. I have had multiple cucks that would speak with me on the phone after to see if she and I had a good time. I had one cuck who had ED. So it is really all over the map. For my own part I have never had a cuck who wanted to be humiliated, or do cleanup in front of me, but if I had a relationship with a couple where the cuck wanted that since I am a very creative dominant I could see some really interesting ways of interacting with a cuck that was into being dominated and humiliated.
  3. I can not believe there are no wannabe cucks without a girl that would pass up a cute arm candy girl looking for a cuck.
  4. I was asked by a cuck couple to get the wife knocked up. She was unable to carry to term due to age related complications, she was mid 40s when they asked. I have no problem with the idea of getting another man's wife pregnant. I feel if I am fucking her and he is not then obviously she should carry my genes into the next generation, not her cuckold's. Now if I only had a fertile cuckoldress in my life.
  5. I have been asked to find a cuckold for a curvy 24 yo hispanic woman with lovely 42D breasts who is just cute as a button. She is in the New York City area. If there are any unattached cuck wannabes in the NYC area who are interested in a very real situation this might be for you. The ideal cuck will: . be between 22 and 32 years old . have at least a 4 year degree . have a job . have a desire to treat her like a princess . have a desire for a long term cuckold relationship . understand her sexual encounters are in no way under her cuckold's control . be ready to embrace a full time cuckold lifestyle . be prepared to meet with me for frank conversation before meeting her. : my approval is required for any potential cuck to meet her.
  6. Good for you!
  7. Nice thoughts.
  8. I of course have had the experience of approaching a woman with an anklet to be told not only was she not looking, but her teen gave it to her, so it is a little bit of a crap shoot.
  9. I would say you can look here, but in the years I have been on this site I have had at least 6 couples express interest until it came time for an in person meeting. Some of them just ghosted me, yet they are still active on this site while others just did not show after making a date to meet for drinks. My actual connections have come from meeting folks at vanilla parties, and some non cuck oriented sites where the wife was on there looking and did not tell me she was married until our first date was nearly over. I am at the moment between cuck couples my last couple of 13 years having moved out of the NYC area, but it is like hunting unicorns. Many people want the fantasy, but are not ready to step up when it comes to meeting.
  10. The ladyboy/MTF who still has a dick is not a good option. They often can not get it up. I had one cuckold couple where he decided to become a she. Even before sharing that info with the biological female or me. We both noticed that the cuck was having a ED issues. When the tits started to come in the cuck admitted to being on hormones and said it was nearly impossible to get hard or cum. Your millage may vary, but that is my experience.
  11. Why do so many fail to fill in their location. That is so helpful if you are looking for an in person connection.
  12. I second the question....where is the wife? I also suggest you put your location in your profile.
  13. Nice ass!
  14. I am partial to naked wives.
  15. Can you relocate? I know one in New York who lost her cuck about a year ago and is now looking for a new cuck.
  16. Spring is a wonderful time to treat your wife to a trip to New York City for a weekend of all that NYC has to offer escorted by an experienced, educated, in shape, long lasting bull.
  17. You should put your location in your profile. It might help your wife be satisfied by someone from the site.
  18. You are correct. If she is having fun fucking him she will keep doing it.
  19. In general I prefer to be alone with the wife, but have done some with the cuck there. I find that most of the wives I have had preferred also to be alone with me.
  20. Glad you have a good sense of humor!
  21. Perhaps you should wash your cock.
  22. When I was in my 20s a friend who stayed over at a party at my place asked my room mate to fuck her right in front of her husband. He turned her down. Turns out her husband was sterile and all their kids were from different guys who has similar color and features to her husband. She never gave him another shot.
  23. subsucko I can tell you that I do not go bareback with random women. Heck I do not even do it with my own hotwives until at least trust is established that she is fucking no one else, she trusts that I am bare back with no one else, and we know each other to be STD free. A couple of years ago I had two cuck couples at the same time. Both women were on birth control, but I had a choice to make as to which one I would bareback. She was the only one, even times when I had them both together.
  24. riprap69 not to mention the worries about STDs with a stranger!
  25. I had one couple where the wife went off birth control. They wanted another kid and he could not do the job. She got knocked up straight away. No I do not have a kid. She had a health crisis and lost the baby. She was over 40 at the time I knocked her up, so it was a high risk pregnancy, but they wanted a third kid, so we went for it.
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