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  1. so since we moved to the new city my wife has changed a ton. She has a Instagram and Snapchat (she has no idea I know about them) She locks her phone now and recently she forgot to I guess clear the search on computer and saw she watched some porn. I think this Is so hot but have no idea why she won’t tell me. I tried to set her up with my buddy awhile back and she shot it down. But now she is watching like some hardcore porn. What at should I do to make this happen!
  2. so since we moved to the new city my wife has changed a ton. She has a Instagram and Snapchat (she has no idea I know about them) She locks her phone now and recently she forgot to I guess clear the search on computer and saw she watched some porn. I think this Is so hot but have no idea why she won’t tell me. I tried to set her up with my buddy awhile back and she shot it down. But now she is watching like some hardcore porn. What at should I do to make this happen!
  3. As I wait for the day for my wife to finally cuck me, I would love for you guys to make your best CUCK CAPTIONS of her!
  4. My wife I found out has a secret Snapchat and Instagram, which after moving to a new city I think is fine and understand. Way to make new friends and see new places to eat and live. However she 100% is not using it for that. impossible to to see what or who she is snap chatting but I had a buddy of mine make a fake instagram and he said that she was being openly flirty and sent him these pictures. It seems the move has made her way more outgoing, I want to introduce her to my co worker this weekend, he is a black guy. Should I do this. Could I finally have my opening to this great lifestyle!
  5. Thoughts on my wife, she may soon join this lifestyle. Don’t hold back!
  6. Great advice. I want her to be a hot wife so bad. I’m let it play out. I need a hot wife like you to talk to her!
  7. Yeah I’m leaning towards that. As bad s as I want to just say! Go f*ck him lol I’m trying to play it cool. I want to steer her in right direction
  8. Henry_Smith

    My curvy wife

    These are pictures of my super hot wife, somebody our pictures she has sent to random guys.
  9. Yeah but if I don’t I might actually get some action even though she thinks idk
  10. So I was able to find text messages and a photo my wife sent to this “photographer” from my recent post of her making the s snapchat. Now I see why she made that and also an instagram. i attached the text convo and the picture she sent him. ive wanted my wife to do stuff like this but she never agreed. Wonder why she is for it now! But she doesn’t think I know. I’d love to share her and have her openly flirt so should I confront her? let this play out? and is she being faithful?
  11. Thanks all! Curious how should I encourage this more? Or do I just let play out?
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