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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by rita_dwt

  1. had been there. i fall asleep during a tv session. when i woke up it seemed he had downloaded several pics and some of my ex deleted on my harddrive. so now he only has them. he never contacted me again afterwards. so i dont know what is happening with those.
  2. that was it with me. mine kind of educated me first to accept what i am before she told me about beeing a *cuckold* of sorts for years without knowing but emrassing it. she had her ways :-)
  3. yes sir i saw that too- it seems interesting -espacially for those of us sissycuckolds no longer in the care of a woman as she is with her bull now - and that way able to find a kind *keyholder* even from far away :-) i only read they had been some kinf of trouble with the functions of the app. i hope/suppose they soemhow managed to fix that.
  4. sounds like a very lucky start. its nice to be allowed to be trained by such a skilled master. it seems he knew what he was doing and was able to educate you the right way to fit into real life again no longer in need to pretend to be someone you both are not from the start - you an obediant devotet faggurl to men and a devoted hubby to the wifey and her at least a hotwife to the real men. what more can u gain? - sorry for my bad english :-)
  5. this sissy is espacially intrigued by that 6:5 long clip hours ago. that catched me with its rhythm in special choice of picture ensemble with the music. wish i knew wher it is from:-) .
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