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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Maury

  1. A big issue missing from this thread is what happens when the wife falls in love with the other guy (bull)? My wife found the sex to not only be more satisfying but so intense that her feelings grew into torrid love. After awhile she preferred to be with him and it killed our marriage
  2. My wife had at least 20 lovers before me and openly admitted it early in our dating. However, without ever being asked she said that she never had a black guy. I recently came across an old photo album that she had hidden and sure enough there she was making out with a black guy. Turns out that one of her closest friends had a black boyfriend and my wife would do some double dating with a black buddy of the boyfriend. It became the basis of her cheating after we were married. The black lover showed her a good time and she remembered when she started her cheating ways.
  3. Maury


    One thing you should not do is make a sex video. If your lover is not comfortable with your husband being present do not let him talk you into making a video. My wife had been fooling around, but I did not know about it. One time her boyfriend talked her into making a sex video. It is now all over the internet for the whole world to see. That is actually how I found out when a buddy tipped me off. Your situation is different but do not allow any cameras to record anything.
  4. she is at an age where women are more likely to entertain possible affairs. Has she ever made any type of sexual comment that caught your attention as being a little different? Has she ever moaned or seemed a little disgusted when she may not have reached orgasm during lovemaking? Watch for these little cues and be ready to slowly mention ideas and, if the little cues persist, explore the idea with further questions or comments. You have to be ready to seize any moment where a possible opening arises. A 32 year old woman is just attaining her peak sexual years. This is the time to move. My wife was the same way when we were that age. She repeatedly told me how much she loved me and that I was her world. But I was never a world-class lover and I knew it. One morning as we were getting ready for work she started telling me a story about one of her single girlfriends. She was the same age as my wife (33) and had a black boyfriend who satisfied her needs better than any guy she had ever been with. My wife mentioned that her friend told her that not only was he a great lover but when he would cum he would fill her up more than any any other guy ever had. I could tell my wife found this exciting. So I seized the opportunity and started questioning her and could tell that there might be a possibility of something happening. While my wife verbally nixed the idea, I found out a couple of months later that my wife was cheating with a black lover. He turned out to be the friend of the black boyfriend. The two women were double-dating whenever I had to work nights or had something else to do. You can never be as certain as she tries to convince you that she would never entertain the idea of a black lover.
  5. I had a somewhat similar fantasy a number of years ago after overhearing my wife and one of her friends talking about black guys. I started picturing my wife with a hung black man and how much she would enjoy herself. My wife had quite a number of lovers that she mentioned to me during our dating time. She didn't want any secrets. However, my wife was also a very dedicated spouse and mother so I didn't think she would even consider taking any action when I mentioned my fantasy. When I told her that I would like to see her with a black stud she told me I was "crazy". But for months I would keep repeating the idea to her as we made love and she just told me to keep it as a fantasy. I didn't want to make her angry or have her question my devotion and faithfulness as a husband. One day I received an unmarked envelope in the mail. Inside was a video that I put in the machine to watch. It was a sex video of my wife and her black boyfriend with whom she, apparently, had just broken up with. They were fucking up a storm and I could tell that she was having a better time than she ever seemed to have with me. When I confronted her she told me that she was just doing what I had suggested and that she also had a new black boyfriend. She offered to allow me to come and watch, an offer the boyfriend limited to only one time. My wife didn't really dress that sexy so I wouldn't suspect anything when she would go shopping or out with her girlfriends. In the years since our fantasy talks my wife has enjoyed multiple black lovers. She enjoys regular stud service from her black lovers. Be careful of what you wish for.
  6. When you are married you also become a cuckold when your wife cheats without your knowledge. She may not know of husband's desire to see her with another man, yet the cuckold threshold has been attained even when he is uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
  7. Maybe she was waiting for you to buy her new panties. But stay observant. When my wife used to plan to meet a lover after work she would always be sure to wear her sexiest panties. I was working the night shift at the time and she would think I was sleeping as she got dressed, but I began to notice her putting on her sexiest underwear on days when she would be working late. She never wore the sexy undies with just me
  8. While traveling in the South this week I made a stop for gas at an old style station without the mini mart. I had to use the rest room which was a throwback to the days you entered from the outside. The restroom was a throwback inside because I saw something I hadn't seen in years; a condom machine. I looked at the variety that was available. There was the standard, and the ultra thin, and the ribbed version, and then I saw it. A black condom. I wished that I had made note of the name of the manufacturer so I could look up more information. But, maybe someone here can help. Is the black condom meant for black guys who may have bigger penis or are these condoms colored black for white guys to wear so they can tell their women that they are going to enjoy black cock? Anyone know? If I had been thinking about it at the time I could have bought one to find out. Who has experience with this?
  9. she went to a male strip show and ended up spending the night with one of the hung black strippers
  10. I think the key detail to consider here is that she is 32 years old. That is the age when women are most interested in sex. They still have their looks and shapes and enjoy being sought after. If you haven't had sex with her in 2 years it would seem likely that she is getting it elsewhere.
  11. I found my wife's black panties with very similar white stains recently. In the middle of one stain was a pubic hair. My wife shaves down there. She started shaving without ever discussing it with me.
  12. blackmail is a sick idea. If she agrees to do something then you can enjoy the experience. Blackmail is coercion and wrong
  13. They say that women are experts at getting into the heads of men with their mind games. But, it goes both ways of course. Not only do you need extreme patience but you need to find a way to get into her head. Let her think that the choosing is her part. Help her see things in relationships that she may not have considered. Be supportive and foster her open-mindedness. But,as Louise said, be as lovingly supportive of her as you can possibly be.
  14. start a new post

  15. I want to give Captain Black a lot of credit for his comments on this and many other posts. He frequently mentions the importance of "talking up" or getting to know a woman before he makes any moves. He mentioned on another thread about anklets that when he sees a woman wearing one he uses it as a cue to "talk her up". He doesn't automatically assume the anklet means that she wants to get laid immediately. My wife has an anklet, but last weekend we went out to listen to a band at a local club. She did not wear the anklet that night, but managed to get "talked up" anyway by a tall, dark titan. Without going into every last detail he managed to talk and then dance much of the evening with my wife as I chatted with friends. As the evening progressed I would occassionally glance at her having a good time on the dance floor and noticed her making more and more I contact with her partner. A little after eleven I noticed that they were no longer on the dance floor and, as I looked around I didn't see a sign of them anywhere. I got up and went toward the rest rooms but still no sign. I tried her cell phone but got no answer. About 12:30 the two of them worked through the crowd and started dancing together again apparently thinking that I hadn't noticed anything. As my wife and I were driving home my wife admitted after my intense questioning that she was flattered to have such a good looking young guy show her so much attention. She said his touch made her tingle on the dance floor. When we got home and ready for bed my wife wasn't wearing any panties. She said that they were all wet and full of his cum and so she left them in then back floor of his car. This all started because I wasn't showing my wife enough attention and the good looking dark dancer was only too willing to "talk my wife up" Captain Black you know what you are doing.
  16. I sometimes like to look at porn. I had an accident a little over a decade ago that left me unable to perform with my wife. I was on a porn site one night when I came across a video of a woman who looked just like my wife going at it with a black guy. The first thing that caught my attention was how she kissed the guy with a funny face just the same as my wife always does. Then I started looking at the video more closely and the more I looked the more I realized this really was my wife in the porn video. Every detail, every body marking, and even her voice at the end as she is telling him how "good it was". Then I started going over things that she had done and said. I had noticed how she liked to watch movies that featured handsome black men. She had a friend who used to date a black guy and my wife would share stories that her friend told her about the black lover. A few years ago I found an old video that she had stashed away. It was a movie from the 70s called "Bandelero" and featured scenes of interracial sex. There was a scene where Jim Brown was having sex with Stella Stevens that was especially hot. All of the clues led me to realize that I had been ignoring the obvious: my wife has a love for the black fellas. I now watch her with an understanding of her secret. She seems sexier than ever. When she goes shopping or out to lunch with a friend I am often wondering what she is really doing. A few days ago I found her black panties in the hamper and could see white substance in the crotch. When I looked closer I found pubic hairs. My wife is shaved. I should be angered and upset. Instead, I feel turned on. I never thought I would have such a feeling finding my wife getting it on with another guy.
  17. Your wife's sexy dreams and her willingness to discuss them with you is an indicator that she may be ready to try something new. Before you try to find a match for her, you should try taking her out to clubs where there might be young, attractive guys that she might like to consider. Giving the woman the choice is far more likely to lead to successful mating. You might need to prod her a little by asking her if she "could choose, which guy might she like?" If this method brings no results then you may want to try running an ad and narrowing the field for her choosing.
  18. My wife was out shopping last night (that is what she told me) and came home and jumped right in the shower. As I was getting ready for bed while she was showering, I noticed her black panties in the laundry hamper with a still-wet white substance in the crotch. Upon closer examination I also found several pubic hairs. My wife shaves down there. After swearing that she was done with him, my wife has gone back with her black boyfriend. She said that she loves and wants to remain married to me, but she phsically needs her boyfriend. She says she always feels so satisfied and at peace after she has been with hime. I know that I shouldn't put up with this but I feel so inadequate in satisfying her needs. She seems so sexy after she has been with him.
  19. Nice story. Enjoyed reading it
  20. My wife received an envelope in the mail with a gold anklet inside. There was no return address and no name of who had sent it. She denied knowing anyone who would send something like that in such a way. I wondered a little but then dismissed it as a prank by some guy. About a year later I received an envelope addressed to me with no name or return address. Inside was a website address and links I should follow. When I followed them I found a pornographic video of my wife having intercourse with a black stud. On her right akle was the gold anklet that she had received from the unknown donor. I then knew what was going on and asked my wife how many young black studs had serviced her. She was surprised at being caught and couldn't give me an answer. Although I had my suspicions, I never knew for sure that my wife had a thing for black guys until all of this came to light. I often view her porno and must admit that while making it with the black lover and wearing that gold anklet she is sexier than I ever experienced. She was having the time of her life.
  21. Great story. I can sort of relate to your experience When we had been married about 7 years my wife started acting out her lack of satisfaction after we had sex. She abruptly got her tubes tied without ever discussing it with me. One of her girlfriends had a black boyfriend and my wife would hang out at her friends place as often as she could. She also started shaving her pussy without any urging from me. I became suspicious that the friends black boyfriend was bringing a buddy along when my wife would be there, but I was never able to catch or prove it. My wife had always denied during our dating years that she ever went out with any guys of another race.Years later after a drunken party, my wife confessed that she often gets turned-on by good looking black men.and the best sex and biggest penis she ever enjoyed was a well-hung black guy. She was just sober enough that she refused to admit having sex with any of her friend's boyfriend's buddies. But, at sometime during our married years I am certain that my wife has experienced one or more bbc
  22. I found out my wife was getting black stud service when I found a video of her and a boyfriend in a hotel room. I didn't know she was doing anything like this. We had been married many years. Apparently the guy had two stationary cameras set up and when he spliced the best shots from each, it was a solid sex video. I was watching my wife enjoy sex as she never had with me. After the initial shock, I confronted her and found out a lot more was going on. She didn't know the boyfriend had posted the video on the internet and tried to deny it all. She also didn't know that I knew of her escapades with her and her girlfriend from years ago when they used to get together with a couple of black guys when I would have to work a night shift. Seeing it on video now makes it seem hot and adventureous, although I don't know what comes next.
  23. Charrua: Be very careful before you accuse your wife. I looked at the video via the link you gave and it looked like she may not have been aware of the camera - it was hidden from her. I would examine the video considering as many details as possible before confronting her. Are there any body markings such as a mole or tatoo, scar, etc? What about hair? feet size? nipples? you get the idea. The more analysis that shows that it is your wife in the video, the less chance she has of wiggling out of it. Don't be blinded by the fantasy aspect of the situation because, if you are right, fantasy turns into reality immediately. And reality will mean that your wife has been making love with other men. The situation is different from what many people discuss on this site. This is NOT something you had to talk her into; it is something she chose to do on her own. You are not her only man any more and she made that choice. You may be fine with all of this and, if so, that is great. But this may hit you like a ton of bricks as it did me, and you need to prepare yourself for it. Best of luck.
  24. Maury


    5:30 and just got a call from her that she has to work late tonight. I am on my way to see if she is actually at work. Wouldn't be surprised if she is out fashioing her gold ankle braclet for a sexy black hunk.
  25. Maury


    A couple of years ago my wife received an envelope in the mail from an anonymous admirer. It showed a male following a woman's backside with the caption "I will follow you anywhere". Inside was a gold ankle braclet. She made like I must have sent it, but I had no knowledge of it. I found it hidden in the glove box of her car. She must wear it when she goes out. I think she uses it to meet up with black guys. Then I started finding videos of her with black men. I think she wanted me to find them. A few minutes ago I found her knidle account open with a Mandingo book she has been reading. I am going to have a lengthy conversation with her tonight when she gets home. On one hand I feel very excited and on the other very terrified. I don't know what to expect anymore.
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