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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by leone55

  1. I agree with jj123211, you don't necessarily have to be religious to be a good person. Karl Marx said that religion is the opium of the people (and I'm not communist).
  2. Je t'a écrit sur Skype mais tu n'a pas répondu.
  3. leone55


    da un caro amico non mi sarei aspettato l'uso del profilattico.
  4. Joy
  5. Perfect body
  6. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ChristianWives4BlackSeed/attachments/1854216632?itemid=294225764
  7. What do they know? lol
  8. I finally was able to download the video opening this website with Chrome and not with Firefox as I normally do. Thanks for your answers.
  9. Sorry to waste your time but as you can see no dots on my screen
  10. I don't see any dots at the right of sound icon.
  11. think what you like more but know that I am used to being precise when expressing opinions. And I think it's just all for today, perhaps I will intervene again reading other hilarious things.
  12. Maybe you didn't understand well: I already knew its meaning, but I checked on the dictionary to be sure don't be wrong.
  13. First of all I'm enjoying this thread, it's really very funny for me. About the meaning of "pathetic" I checked on the dictionary its meaning, to be sure not be wrong. This is the meaning: patètico agg. [dal lat. tardo pathetĭcus, gr. παϑητικός, der. di πάϑος «sofferenza»] (pl. m. -ci). – 1. a. Di opera, situazione, episodio, atteggiamento e sim. che suscitano un sentimento di malinconica commozione, di mestizia, di compassione, di pietà: un dramma, un romanzo, un film p.; il p. appello di una madre ai rapitori del figlio; la p. conclusione di una vicenda; una scena veramente p.; attore specializzato nelle parti patetiche. Anche, che tende artificiosamente a commuovere, eccessivamente sentimentale: assumere atteggiamenti p., pose p., una espressione p.; parlare in tono p., con voce p.; declamare con accenti p.; rivolgere sguardi p.; e con riferimento alla persona stessa: quanto sei patetico oggi!; in tono iron., è stato veramente p. (o ha fatto una figura veramente p.), di chi si è comportato in maniera non idonea in una particolare circostanza, così da suscitare commiserazione; anche come sost., spec. nella locuz. fare il p.: smettila di fare il patetico!, o la patetica! b. Sostantivato con valore neutro, qualsiasi elemento o complesso di elementi che commuova o tenda a provocare commozione: la ricerca del p.; in partic., dare, cadere nel p., far degenerare l’espressione del sentimento in sentimentalismo. c. Sostantivato al femm., Patetica, titolo comunem. dato alla sonata per pianoforte in do minore op. 13 (1798) di L. van Beethoven e alla sesta sinfonia in si minore op. 74 (1893) di P. J. Čajkovskij. Translate you all this, I'm not able to make such a long description in English.
  14. Hot? I think it's pretty pathetic. I let it slide right now but now I can't help but intervene Leone 😉
  15. Already posted as "Amanda" lol... however nice story.
  16. This affair no need I waste more of my time. I closed it.
  17. Sorry again N. : if husband know and agrees it's cuckolding, otherwise is cheating. The intercourse started as cheating, now turned on cuckolding but for the reasons (I assume) I said before. You have to read all thethread, my dear. 😊
  18. mywifefor: are you allowed to join them too?
  19. N. I regret not to be agree with you this time. Said firstly that they can do what they want, Leslie can't pour us this story as cuckholding, I repeat . a) the story starts as cheating as she cheated him on for about six months; b) for me isn't true that she made amends and told him all, he started to suspect something as their sex life had changed (remember the "red flags" of the first thread) and so when she realized he would find out soon she told him everything; c) I continue to think that he was not happy of this intercourse and was "forced" to accept it not wanting to risk to lose her; d) as far as I'm concerned I don't admit the betrayl (to be sincere, as a bull, I would not like to be cuckolded too); e) S & L posting this story should expect that someone could not be agree with them (for the truth Steve didn't say anything at this matter, also if for the reasons I said before he could not say what he really think). Of course this disagreement does not change the admiration I have for you. 😉
  20. Hot video from Paola. Enjoy her. Faceporn.no___Paola_Piseddu_the_cutlery_more_on_my_blog_http___mnpp-mnpp.blogspot_it.mp4
  21. Leslie, first of all I want to be clear that you and your hubby are free to do what you want and prefer and you both don't have to justify nor apologize with me. What I would to say is only that you cheated your husband and your story is not a cuckold story as you settled it up but a cheating story. And also confirm my conviction - from how your husband @@@@@@@ the story from his part - that Steve was inside himself "forced" to accept your cheating. What I don't absolutely agree is with those who praise your behavior as an expression of freedom and mind openness. Yes, marriage and sex are different things but marriage is sex too and above all trust and you betrayed Steve's trust. And I don't think, as you say, that "he grew to find your sexual adventures arousing", I think he was aware that you should be returned to your guy in every case (be sincere and answer to me about that). A last thing: what if instead of you would be him to cheat you on behind your shoulders, would you be so quiet as if nothing would be happened? Think over this. But as I said in the beginning, they are not my issues and you are free to do what you like more (from my side I would have broken with my wife - but we all don't think in the same way).
  22. Some statements would not deserve any answer, so much they are provocative. But since someone insists on the wrong concepts that would do better to study instead of posting photos and videos taken from adult sites like Xhmaste, XVideo, Pornhub, Blacksonblonde, Blacked, Tumblr (when he allowed nudes) and so on, that each one could take from his self, I confirm the meaning of the different terms: SWING: when the components of a couple have sex with other people; they are called SWINGERS CUCKOLD : when only one member of a couple has sex with other people with the partner's knowledge or agreement; if she's a woman is called HORWIFE or CUCKOLDRESS. CHEATHING: when a member of a couple has sex behind the shoulder of the partner; if she's a woman is called SLUT. I hope the concept has now been clarified. This story borns as cheating, not cuckolding. I think Steve accepted (but really agreed?) to turn it on cuckolding fearing Leslie would have continued the same to meet Robert as she after did.
  23. rest = stay (I said my english is not the best)
  24. Secondjag: No point of meeting. Each of us will rest with his own idea...bye
  25. Secondjag: I said in the start that someone could not be agree with me, lol. Do you believe i'm wrong? It could be but that was what I think also because Steve didn't me appear too happy in the start to share her wife, after he bended to the events as I wrote before. But this is my point of view. Again: how would you call a wife that goes with other men back the shoulders of her husband? A final consideration: I said that as a bull I have to be grateful to the cuckold couples, but I didn't say I would enjoy Leslie, moreover I didn't see her . It remains my best consideration for what you think.
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