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Everything posted by Kaktuscpl

  1. We were in the process of setting up a "playdate"with a friend from the internet wife was real into the idea......until I got pushy and tried to MAKE her pick a date we could get together that worked for all of us... Well because I was being pushy and trying to force the issue she got pissed and "squashed" the issue...wouldn't even discuss the idea or even role play about having another guy join/fuck her.... This all happened about 2weeeks ago......I am lucky I didn't permanently fuck things up for myself and whoever .......she finally started discussing the idea of someone joining us/fucking her as I watch(hopefully film)the action..... HAVE PATIENCE ......DON'T TRY TO FORCE THE ISSUE She informed me that if I had not pushed the issue,,,it would have already happened ... Lesson Learned
  2. LOL Your hubby and "playmates"are some lucky sob's 😛 .... love your wit and sense of humor Thank You
  3. what is the name of your tumblr if different than here?
  4. OMG you are so much fun to talk/chat/banter with.....super hot with a brain and a great sense of humor ...<3 It would be a blast just hanging out with you
  5. that sounds like a challenge ......and loads of fun 😃
  6. I understand the kids and risk involved...you could wear a mask to hide identity.as long as you don't have any unique tattoos or birthmarks/scars ....By covering your face,at least from the nose up,no one would know ...just my input COMPLETELY RESPECT YOUR DECISION THOUGH
  7. Dude I am friends with them
  8. Man...I can't wait to hear how the rest of the night went.....and if there have been more adventures like this
  9. ", to learn how to @@@@@@ herself more. " What does @@@@@ mean?
  10. OMG the blond in the 39th pic looks EXACTLY like my friend Trish...I want to show her that pic and ask if it's her....I've wanted to fuck her since high school LOL
  11. DUDE,the chick in the pink mask and red teddy is hot as fuck
  12. I like this lady.....something about her
  13. Dude this is fucking beautiful.....where did you find it..if I may ask?
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