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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by cumlayus

  1. It would be my pleasure :)
  2. I almost thought someone wrote our story lol. You must be our doppelgangers We had very much the same thing going on but we made our way through it, but after almost 14 years in the cuckold lifestyle we're still "working on it" and that will never change. Our differences were ironed out by lots of talk and a lot of give and take. Now when one of us has an issue going on inside we don't brew it up to the point of explosion anymore, we pour a drink, sit down and calmly discuss the issue at hand without bringing up any stress levels in either of us (this includes my boyfriend). You described it all so very well, keep up the good work and keep on working on your communications, that's so critical in this lifestyle. Cat
  3. I hate the term "bull", if my boyfriend is a bull then that would make me a cow. So needless to say that word is never used around here if my boys wish to keep their hangers lol
  4. Nice videos but we believe that if the cuckold is allowed to fuck his wife, he's the only one who should be wearing a condom, not her lover. His sperm should be allowed to settle deep inside of her to make him truly his.
  5. Yes yes yes. I'm sure if I hadn't convinced Cathy to find a lover/boyfriend almost 14 years ago we wouldn't be together now. My little pud wasn't doing it for her and I knew it. Once she started dating other men our marriage became so much stronger. She been dating her current boyfriend for over a year and she's very much in love with him and I'm happy too. I haven't had sex with her in over 8 years but I'm still very happy to have clean-up duties and helping her select her sexy outfits for her weekend dates with him. She usually goes to his house on weekends but sometimes he stays with us and I sleep in the guest room. I never tire of the hot sounds of them having sex above my room He's a really good guy and he treats her well. Having an almost 10 inch thick cock also makes her happy lol.
  6. That's terrific! Please let us all know if this could be happening, very exciting for sure Hopefully you'll be involved, like guiding his cock into her before leaving them to mate.
  7. Would you let a lover give her/you a child? That would be so perfect for a Cuckold marriage to a young fertile wife.
  8. As long as my wife has a boyfriend I am cut off but I'm happy with that as long as she's happy with his cock. I get to clean her though, so there's at least that lol.
  9. That would be the perfect thing to happen. We wish we had been in this lifestyle near when we were married. We've both talked about it and we agreed that a boyfriend/lover giving us a baby or two would have been so perfect!
  10. See? I was right! LOL. Kidding, glad you got it going. Google Chrome can be a PITA but it works
  11. Hey folks, just a quick FYI. A friend who is a computer tech told me that many websites aren't loading or working properly on Internet Explorer because it's not being supported anymore as of 2012. As the technology in websites change Internet Explorer isn't changing or improving to keep up with these sites. I'm not sure if this is what's happening to all of you but if you are using Internet Explorer (not Microsoft Edge in Windows 10) you might want to try using Google Chrome instead then test it here. Cheers
  12. I've done that to my cucky several times, and one time it was with a fellow from his work that he didn't care for. I met him at his staff Christmas party and hit it off. I didn't know my husband didn't like him until the fellow told me about it. He was fucking me for about three weeks when my husband found out. He wasn't too happy but the little growth in his pants told me that he liked it more than he let on. When I pointed it out he was a little embarassed but he told me it was a turn-on to know that his rival was fucking me bareback. We dated for about 6 months before he had to move from the area. During that time they made up their differences and became friends. My cucky would greet him at the door with a beer and we'd go up to our bedroom for hours of sex while my husband watched TV (and masturbated with the TV muted, listening to us fuck) lol.
  13. It's the soft part of a pair of panties in the crotch that covers over top of the pussy.
  14. That's totally me only I have a MUCH smaller cock :)
  15. I hope you're not making your wife suffer with this little thing lol. Does she have a boyfriend to take care of her needs now?
  16. When my cucky was still "attempting" to fuck me he was much the same. He's only 3 inches hard and just at the point where he touched my labia with his little pud he would suddenly squirt all over and he was done. This happened pretty well every time for several years until he finally convinced me to find a boyfriend and cut him off. I would get him to lick me clean then get me off with his tongue, which is the only thing he's quite good at in sex
  17. My cucky and I share this account but I created the account. So I guess you could say I'm a VIP (Very Important Pussy) LOL
  18. Oh me too, me toooooo :) My cucky is a very good cleaner-upper lol
  19. We've been in the lifestyle for 13 years and my cucky has been cut off sex for 8 of those years (for reasons of lack of length and his asking to be cut off). I agree with you that the loving can't stop, we need to know you love us as much or more than you did when you married us. I love him more than anything in the world and I tell him so all the time but I also admit to loving my boyfriend, just not quite in the same way but still enough to have all the passion that makes it all worthwhile. I always check with him to see if he doesn't want me spending a weekend with my boyfriend or if he doesn't mind at all, it's always nice to be asked. As you, he's always treated me (and love me) the same way all the time, whether I'm getting laid that night or if I haven't had sex for several weeks. A lady needs to know she's loved at all times so there's no feelings of angst or loss of love/attachment to or by our husband. Yes this is all about us having the best sex lives we can, but we can't forget that it's for our husband's enjoyment too, and without total support from both parties it just won't work out and trouble will soon ensue. My cucky loves to hear about my evenings and even see photos/videos if I've taken some for him. We work together on this so we're both happy
  20. I (cuck) would be sooooo happy to have a pretty girl with a hot cock to play with and fuck me often. It's one of my ultimate fantasies
  21. cumlayus


    She'd never pass the test! LOL
  22. Hotrail4U. I'm not positive but it could be that everyone is getting a bad feeling from you because you type everything in Capital letters which means that you're yelling. Drop it to regular type so you don't look like you're trying to intimidate everyone. Just an FYI and my own thoughts on it. Cheers
  23. The thought of my wife being impregnated by an alpha male is intoxicating. I'd be soooo happy
  24. I wish my wife would allow her boyfriend to move in with us and totally take over as alpha male. I no longer fuck her or have any kind of sex anyway, so it would be perfect.
  25. Ours shows our location. Would be nice to chat/meet with others in British Columbia. Hot Canadian Hotwife and Cuckold here
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