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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by nhfun2

  1. Cuckolding has been a lifestyle for hundred of years and its white men, but the past few years porn sites have been pushing this black kick ,boring.
  2. None of their business, keep them out of it ,young ones wont understand anyway and would just go on and play with their toys . There is something very HOT about a mom having fun in her bed with an other man while hubby is down stairs entertaining the kids . Uncle so and so would come over to visit and stay with mom over night or mom would take a handyman in our bedroom to show what she wanted him to take care of 🥰 🍆💋 We went camping and had a young man join us in our tent .we took turns with her for hours while our young one slept .
  3. There all over the place ,give me a break , at adult party's they were very pushy , pinching ass, my partner did not want to go any more .
  4. nhfun2


    That's a full ,used pussy 😛
  5. Beautiful juice cream pie and she's sexy
  6. I know a few wives who ( prefer ) not going to adult party's if they have black single men there . don't go over the line guys .
  7. Your not invited , maybe she will send you pictures ,let you listen on the phone or from an other room , she may bring home a cream pie . Sounds like a lot of fun for all .
  8. beautiful ass.
  9. Used pussy ! I loved sliding in my wife's used pussy full of cum .
  10. Look up : A Personal Map To The Sexual Market Place . on You Tube . It's long but very interesting and you may have to listen to it more then one time . It covers cuckold and why they are part of the fabric in society's , narcissistic, beta male , alpha male , how some men just take what they want , some have a very high sex drives and others don't , violent drives to passive .
  11. From what Iv read on many articles its not the color its the alpha male that turns women on . the husband is the one who wants to see her with a black guy
  12. That's wild picture you have with the two cocks 👍

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taocentered


      Looks so exciting...


    3. leonstar76
    4. Taocentered


      That is so hot and makes me so hard.  Wow what a mouth full.

  13. So HOT and well used
  14. So sexy 😍
  15. Hot story, I love a wife who cucks her hubby but wives who fuck Islander are running a high risk of bringing home AID's, those guys are just not clean
  16. Your wife looks great I would like to meet you both  Rob

    1. olcrab


      Would have her meet you.

    2. nhfun2


      Sorry I miss this message   Yes I would love to meet your wife and play with her pussy .We are far from each other but if you every come to New England I would let you stay over so we can have .She has a very sexy pussy ,do you have more pictures?  all I see t=is the one on your profile   Rob 

  17. Do it , enjoy his big cock , but you know young men like to brag , tell him to keep very quit about it . I did home repairs for a couple and lived with them for 6 months .K and I would play every night and some times had FU%$ breaks during the day , we had a great time .
  18. Very sexy . I would love to play with you and do naughty things to you : )

    your wife looks fantastic  .I live her curves .💗

  20. been to a lot of partys and things did not go well.
  21. Beautiful ass ,so shapely and sexy .
  22. There is a book out there about different family's who had a so call uncle who would visit and stay overnight ( mom uncle , and dad watching ) The story I got is that a female author traveled France , Germany and other country's 40 , 50 years ago and became aware the husbands were letting their wifes sleep with other men ,so she wrote about it . When I acquired about the book it was not being printed anymore . I would love to find this book if anyone has any info .It has good information about cuckolding . I believe cuckolding is as old as sex itself .
  23. I like it all ,but kissing is overlooked ,its very erotic .
  24. Hi Dave I sent you a message ,Hope your interested .
  25. Venice Florida in winter , New Hampshire in summer . Looking for couples to meet .
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